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The OOBD tool set contains a wide range of features and functionality. Some of it is part of the main applications, some others are done with additional software. All these functions are in permanent development, so some of them are still in beta state.

Several Platforms

Java-ME 1) Android Windows (and Linux & Mac2) )

UDS compatible Telegram Support

In opposite to many other dongles, OOBD support the full module address range and the full 4095 Byte data length. All the protocol handshake is done by the dongle itself, only the final answer of the communication with the module is reported back to the application.

No Real Time Requirements

The dongle does all the real time data handling by itself. The finished result can be then picked also by e.g. slow mobile devices without the hassle of strong real time requirements.

Full Programmable With Loadable Lua Scripts

Reading the VIN number:

function vin(oldvalue,id)
	if udsLen>0 then
		if udsBuffer[1]==73 then
			local pos=4
			local res=""
			while pos <= udsLen and pos < 36 do
				if udsBuffer[pos]>31 then
				pos= pos +1
			return res
			return "Error"
		return "NO DATA"

Simple Syntax

For easy integration into other projects the dongle command syntax is powerful, but simple and easy to parse

openXC Data Source

OOBD can also act as Data Source for openXC and so for any application which uses the openXC interface.

PGP Script Protection

If your scripts do contain your intellectual property, you don't want your scripts been used by anybody who is not authorized.

OOBD supports this with optional strong PGP encryption, where through its unique two-level group encryption you can give fine grained control without the pain of encrypt for each user separately.

Remote Connect

Just with a Google Chrome Browser + the OOBD Chrome Add-on you can connect to a dongle in a car everywhere in the world via internet.

ODX Translator

Some ODX dialects can be automatically translated into lua scripts, ready to use - helpful when transforming module specifications. If your input format is different, just adapt the xslt transformation

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:template name="trim4">
<xsl:param name="string" select="'left'" />
<xsl:value-of select="substring(concat('0000',normalize-space($string)), (string-length(normalize-space($string))+1))"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:template match="oobdobx">
moduleName = '<xsl:value-of select="./Name"/>'
shortName = '<xsl:value-of select="./ShortName"/>'

Monitoring Real Time Data

400OOBD offers several possibilities to monitor the CAN real time data. In the RTD mode the received data is stored in the dongle to be picked up later, while in the CAN raw mode the data is directly dumped on the serial line. This, together with the socketCANd emulator, allows to view the data in real time e.g. in Kayak

Bus Quality

During bus transfer the dongle also monitor the occurrence of error frames, so it can be used also to measure the error rate, means the bus quality.

CAN Injection

If needed, the dongle can send long can data sequences to inject simulation data onto the CAN bus.

Field Programmable

Through the robust flash loader design, the firmware can be updated in the field directly via bluetooth with a simple java app without the need of any special cables or device dismantling.

Python Library for automated task

To use the dongle also for automatic testing, a python library exist to send command sequences from a dos shell or within a batch file

not maintained anymore, so only old, reduced command set available
No installation pack available yet, needs to be compiled manually out of the repository
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