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This script is made to monitor the correcet function of the Kadaver server in an automated ennvironment

Usage: [options]

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --url=URL             hostname (ws://localhost:9000)
  --cert=CERT           cert file for SSL verification
  --loop                run in a loop instead only once
  --singleshot          runs until error condition is reached
  --debug               debug output
                        Nr of continious errors before set error flag

The command line parameters are:

  • –url : The URL to monitor
  • –cert : In case of a secure socket, the certificate file to validate the server again. If not given, any secure server is allowed ( *Unfortunately not working yet* )
  • –loop : if set, program does not finish after one run, but runs endless even in case of errors. Helpful to write logs over time
  • –singleshot : Runs endless until a error condition is reached. Helpful to identify an nonfunctional Kadaver server over time. When the script is not running any more, that indicates a broken server too
  • –debug : shows each step. If not set, output is only made at any state change, but not for each repeating state
  • –maxerror : (default 3) This value defines, how many continious errors must occur to reach the final error state. This is needed to ignore single error glitches, where the server fails once, but is still working at the next trail

If neither –loop or –singleshot are given, the script is making ony one trial to either get a working connection or the reach the error state

When leaving, the scripts returns either 0 (Server is working well) or 1 (Server is not working) as exit code. This code can be evaluated to automatically restart the server, if needed.

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doc/tools_kadavercontrol.1433054963.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/05/31 08:49 by admin