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OOBDCopyShop is used only then when you a) have to work with encrypted scripts and b) a lot of them will be supported for the employees of the company central on a server. Because of the modality how OOBD will encrypt data, it could happen that in different workgroups files exists, that have the same name but different rights to work with.

OOBDCopyShop chooses than for the respective user the adequate data files and copies them in a common directory.


  • Select a directory of your choice and copy the, from admin distributed, personal OOBDgroups.lst file to that location.This file contains workgroups that are relevant for the user.
  • set sourcedirectory and that above determined target directory
  • and press the copy-button

A word about netdevices and connected devices as e.g android cellphones

Even it looks very nice in windows explorer, as if netdevices or cellphones would be normal directorys, so we have to say that windows is figuring something out in the background and a normal copy process will not work as intended. So you have to deal with compromises in that regards.

Even you are not able to select the sourcedirectory, or you are not able to copy files in that location you have to copy first the files on a local device. Same you have to deal with to get the with OOBDCopyshop selected files to the cellphone. For instance you can copy these first in a local directory and after this in a flush to the cellphone.

Not nice, but windows will handle it different…

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doc/tools_oobdcopyshop.1401650220.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/06/01 21:17 by wsauer